How you can help….

Can you help us?

We collect historic objects, photographs, plat maps, and documents related to the Town of Concord history.  The focus of our collection tells the  story of the agricultural history of our town.  We also need pioneer history items for the log cabin.  Any donated items related to our town history would be most appreciated. If you would like to donate any items that were used on local farms, or in our local schools, please contact the society at:

Become a Member:

Our annual membership is very affordable still only $5.00 for an individual and $10.00 per family. This membership fee basically covers our mailing cost for the year. All donations beyond the cost of membership are tax-deductible. The Concord Historical Society is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization.

Click on Membership form below:

Concord Historical Society Membership Form 2017


Preserving Local History for the Town of Concord, Jefferson County, Wisconsin